Saturday, May 16, 2009

PoTtY TrAinInG

So we decided to put a strong effort into POTTY TRAINING Austin. At first he was so excited to wear his big boy underwear. I thought that maybe he was finally ready and that we just needed to start working with him more. Then he started getting mad at us if we asked him if he needed to go to the bathroom. Now he says that there are MONSTERS IN THE TOILET and refuses to put on his new underwear. We are moving in the wrong direction. We made a chart last night. I have heard that that works. Right now I am just going to slow down and hope that taking some of the pressure off of him helps. Jeremy and I were both the hardest for our parents to potty train. Now I am starting to wonder if they have cursed us with a PROBLEM CHILD of our own or if Austin has inherited or stubborness. Anyway, I am not going to give up. Just WISH US LUCK, we are going to need it.

1 comment:

  1. Cute blog! Your little boy is darling. With my son we did pennies to potty train. It was fantastic, he got one if he sat on the toilet, 2 if he did pee's and 10 if he did stinks. For about $5 we were able to potty train in 3 weeks. Then he took his money when he was done and bought a truck. It was fantastic. Just a little idea that worked for me.
